Monday, November 17, 2014

Cami and Sister Bassett taking goofy pics at the church

 The 4 girls on Nags Head out at Jockey Ridge on Sister P-Day activity last week. 
It looks a bit blowy out there!
 Cami and Sister Bassett at Spencer Yachts.  These folks are in the ward in their 
area and let them use their building to teach their English each Wednesday.  
 One of the Spanish Speaking Sisters, Hermana Gray 
sporting their new matching Spencer Yacht Sweatshirts.
Sweet Sister Anne Jacobsen sent us this photo yesterday to show us the girls at Sunday dinner with their investigator and a cardboard cut out of their son who is serving his mission in Denver Colorado.

Hi friends and fam!

This week has been good. I always feel like I don't really have much to say in my weekly email home just because I can't ever remember what we did but all I know is that it was good! We met with a few of our investigators and they are doing well! We are still getting really solid support and involvement from the ward coming to lessons with us, so that has been a huge blessing! Getting people to come to church is probably the biggest struggle but its a work in progress :) 
On Wednesday we went to go visit one of the less active members of the ward who is related to one of our investigators and the investigator ended up being there and we were able to have a lesson with her and we were so grateful! We have a hard time getting a hold of that investigator because she is young and her mom is our source of contact but we were so grateful to run into her at her grandmas house and have a lesson with her :) It was a blessing that we felt inspired to visit that less active so that Heavenly Father could help us teach our investigator. 
The weather has gotten so chilly and I have come to the realization that when I came out in mid-July I didn't realize that I would need some winter clothes ha,ha! Everyone says that it doesn't snow here much-they did get snow last year though so I am trying to mentally prepare for that! It always feels even colder than it is too because its so humid and there's a really strong ocean breeze all the time. The humidity is so thick you can see it ha,ha no joke. I am lovin' it though! 
I am loving the start of the holiday season too a. because I LOVE DOING SERVICE and because people are so happy and nice ha,ha! 
On Friday we went and volunteered at the food pantry where one of the members of our ward volunteers and that was so great! We had a lot of fun :) 
On Saturday we had a really cool experience-we were doing this thing called walk and talk that our mission does every Saturday where we just walk around and talk with people who are outside and we were walking in downtown Manteo and there was a church that was getting truck loads of food for their church's food pantry and so we stopped and asked if they needed help taking it from the truck into the church and they said ya and so we ended up staying there for like an hour and a half helpin' out and sorting through the food! We talked about after how cool it was that we happened to be walking on that street and how Heavenly Father put us in the position to do something good for someone else- even if they have different beliefs than us. The whole time we were there both of us could tell they were trying to read our name tags and figure out who we were and that kind of made us laugh but we were just happy to be there and help and didn't need any recognition for being Mormon. Good Christlike examples gets the job done :) 
Hope ya'll have a blessed week! XOXOXO.
Love, Sister Carlson 

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